In this story, Jesus gives Lazarus as the name of the beggar. He was raised from the dead after he had lain four days in the tomb (John 11:1-44).

As you listen to the story, remember that in none of his other parables did Jesus use proper names. The brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany. John clearly saw the Lazarus event as the last great deed Jesus performed as proof of his divinity before his arrest and crucifixion. The story of the rich man and Lazarus is told only in Luke. However, Luke’s account of this event is much briefer than John’s Lazarus story, and it happens much earlier in Jesus’ life. Scripture gives few details about the relationship between Jesus. In Luke 7:14-15, Jesus raises the dead son of a widow, with the wording of Luke (‘And he that was dead sat up’) being echoed by John’s ‘And he that was dead came forth’. This passage contains one of the most famous stories of the Bible: the resurrection of Lazarus. Whatever the truth of it, there are examples elsewhere in the Gospels of Jesus raising the dead. By showing love and generosity to others, Lazarus honored Jesus by following his commands. We too must choose Jesus before its too late. Jesus did not arrive in Bethany until four days after Lazarus. Jesus delayed His arrival, and Lazarus died. He had grown sick, and his sisters sent for Jesus to come to Bethany.

Lazarus was a friend of Jesus, along with his sisters, Mary and Martha. Life Lessons Lazarus placed his faith in Jesus while Lazarus was alive. John 11:144 gives the account of a man named Lazarus being raised from the dead. He practiced charity and believed in Christ as Savior. It’s possible (as the authors of the Dictionary of the Bible suggest) that John is expanding the parable of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke’s gospel (in which Lazarus, the humble beggar, goes to heaven but the rich man does not). Lazarus was a man who showed godliness and integrity. But only John mentions the story of Jesus raising Lazarus (the other one) from the dead. Luke (chapter 16) tells of Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus, but this Lazarus (a beggar) isn’t the one whom Jesus raised from the dead. They appear to have been different people.